Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Year in Review-in pictures

On November 1st Greg and I celebrated our first year in Indonesia.
This felt like a huge mile marker for us, and yet on that day we  didn't have much energy to celebrate, so we gave each other a high five and planned to do something later. The later has not yet come...and yet that is ok.
I am realizing more and more that I am a person that is deeply sentimental, I like celebrating even the small things, and I really appreciate the act of looking back, and reviewing a chunk of time, such as an anniversary or a birthday.
The other day I reminded Greg of this, in hopes to express to him that I would like to look back over this year and see it in its fullness- and give thanks, and even acknowledge the painful things, and with that surrender it to God. He looked at me, and smiled, and says "I know this about you."

So one way of looking back is through pictures. We took a few this year, and  had YOU in mind. Most pictures are taken with the intention to share them- with the thought in your heart of "Oh, they've gotta see this!" But then the process of getting them on the computer, then on the blog- well, that didn't happen.
But we still want to share them, and in the act of looking back, "a year in review", well does that make them relevant again? I sure hope so...
So this begins a series. A series of pictures, with captions, and captions may turn to stories, and stories into reflections...
And we invite you to take part in this process of looking back- and giving thanks.  I cannot promise a picture a day. Cannot promise any kind of order. But we invite you into our lives- one picture at a time. And hopefully we will be closer at the end of all this. (That is a telling statement from a sentimentalist's heart.) 

Caption: This was our flight from Tiawan to Jakarta- our flight taking us to this island. This island we had been moving towards for years.
For us, it felt like a big deal. Enough to photograph. And it is picture of our new lives-Multilingual. Foreign. Not the majority. Tired. Just eat weird food. All that goodness.

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